

地球上最艰难的7天第一季 [2023]

  Follows Fields as he's dropped into some of the most extreme and deadliest places on Earth for seven days and his task is to keep himself and his small film crew alive and lead them to an extraction point.

2023-04-17   3939

我的乡村音乐第一季 [2023][8集全]

  My Kind of Country is a fresh take on a competition series, breaking down barriers in country music by providing an extraordinary opportunity to diverse and innovative artists from around the world. Scouts Allen, Guyton and Peck each hand-pick a roster of exceptional up-and-coming artists and invite them to the home of country music in Nashville, Tennessee, to showcase their un...

2023-04-15   3602

大厨秀 [2019][8.0分]

  乔恩·费儒执导的Netflix美食类节目《主厨秀》(The Chef Show,暂译)首曝预告!小罗伯特·唐尼、汤姆·霍兰德、安东尼·罗素、乔·罗素等现身,与费儒共同做美食。该节目将于6月7日上线。

2023-04-15   2821

真爱IRL [2023]

  Four singles seeking love navigate its ups and downs through real and online connections but will they choose virtual romance, or go offline?

2023-04-08   3290

锻刀大赛 [2015][9.2分][无字幕]

  FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the country will come together to put both their skills and reputations on the line. Whether they are making a Japanese katana, a medieval broadsword, or an ancient throwing blade like the cha...

2023-04-07   3649

生意天才白社长 [2023][7.6分][13集]

  tvN 在外国经营餐厅综艺《生意天才白社长》(暂定名)无声无色的开业中,由白种元、少女时代Yuri、John Park、李章宇,四人在意大利那不勒斯开设韩餐厅,消息最先由当地媒体报道。   根据意大利媒体《fanpage.it》报导,在那不勒斯有着 80 多年历史的传统餐厅一夜消失,取而代之的是韩餐厅,现代餐桌上用复古照明装饰内部,韩文招牌上写着「白饭馆」,下面用意大利语写着「韩餐厅」。   门外黑板上用韩文写着白种元、少女时代Yuri、冷面John Park、乌冬面店李章宇、请进、韩国料理、意大利语是《韩餐厅》、《只开一周》等。

2023-04-06   2476

白种元醉话人生 [2021][7.6分]


2023-04-03   3061