The story is set on Midsummer’s Eve, when the mysterious military unit takes over a peaceful seaside town. All data networks are disrupted, and the region falls silent. The motives and the origin of the enemy remain shrouded in mystery, with the whole of Europe being taken by surprise and under shock. Local residents turn into hostages, including 21-year-old Annika Berg, who is...
亚历山大-施密特是一家精英伴游公司的老板。他被称为 Magic(魔术师)--他和他的团队几乎可以实现任何愿望 Magic 的公司正处于成功的顶峰。客户中不乏受人尊敬的人士:商人、政客、执法者和公众人物。以绰号 "雷巴克 "的前强盗和他的秘书加琳娜-米哈伊洛夫娜为代表的团队可以满足客户的任何愿望。但突然间,童话故事结束了:"魔术 "和他的生意遭到追捕。一瞬间,他可能失去一切--名誉、生意、家庭甚至生命。他只有一点时间找出幕后黑手并先下手为强。