Inspired by Michael Powell’s critically acclaimed nonfiction sports novel Canyon Dreams, as well as the groundbreaking New York Times articles that preceded it, Rez Ball explores the raw and exhilarating world of “reservation basketball” with its unique, lightning-quick pace that is rumored to have influenced top NBA teams and coaches throughout the years. The story follows the...
Ronald s high school valedictory address praises books and condemns sports. His girlfriend Mary condemns his attitude. He fears losing her to rival Jeff, decides to go to college and pay more attention to sports. 冷面笑星-巴斯特基顿:出生于杂耍演员家庭,从小受到杂耍和滑稽表演的影响。稍长,随家在美国各地作杂技和滑稽演出。20世纪初,脱离家庭戏班子,在一些滑稽短片中充当配角,逐步走上拍喜剧片的道路。他是一位具有创造力的表演艺术家,在喜剧的黄金时代。他的声望同卓别林相媲美,因为惟有他同卓别林一样成功的创造了同内心感情状态相适应的视觉形象。基顿自.
《美国体育故事》还未命名的第一季由Stu Zicherman (《美国谍梦》)创作,改编自播客《Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and Football Inc 》。故事聚焦NFL巨星Aaron Hernandez的兴衰历程,探讨他的身份、家庭、事业、自杀之间的关联,以及它们在体育和美国文化中的影响。
From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player.
This documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing details surrounding his shocking murder in 2009.
米沙生性风流。 在国家排球联盟任职教练。是排球界的明星人物,可惜得罪了新的排球联盟女主席。 被放逐到小镇。 在这里他成为当地一所师范学校的女排教练。
“九一八”事变前夕,刘长春(李兆林 饰)是东北大学的学生,在德籍教练指导下练习短跑,事变后,他回到了家乡大连。刘长春目睹了山河破碎的祖国现状,伹他从未放弃训练,决心有一天能为国争光,他的做法得到了妻子姜秀珍(马镜 饰)的支持。日寇控制下的伪满要他代表“满洲国”参加奥运会,誓死不当汉奸的刘长春躲过追捕逃至北平,他要代表中国参加奥运会。但国民政府以“资金不足”为由拒绝了他的请求,无奈之下他求助原东北大学校长张学良(胡军 饰),张资助他八千大洋以资鼓励,怀惴强国梦想的刘长春远赴美国参加第十届夏季奥运会。入场式上,代表四万万同胞出征的刘长春走来了......