Lori Vallow was known to friends and family as a devoted mother of three, a loving wife, and a woman of God. But over the past three years, something went very wrong: Now Lori is in jail, waiting to stand trial for conspiracy to commit murder and first-degree murder in connection with the deaths of her fourth husband, her fifth husband’s wife, and her two youngest children. For...
雅典娜是一位母亲,当他们被迫离开他们的水坑时,她会尽她所能保护她的牧群。这一史诗般的旅程,由Chiwetel Ejiofor讲述,带领观众穿越非洲大草原,进入大象家庭的核心。一个关于爱,失去和回家的故事。
Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattle Times journalist Dominic Gates.
A diverse cast of trailblazing women, set out to answer the question: what exactly does it take to be a Gutsy Woman?
在哪里才有家的感觉?在施塔特阿伦多夫这个有着复杂的排斥和融合外国人历史的德国城市,和蔼可亲的老师迪特·巴赫曼帮助他的学生们体会家的感觉。这些学生年龄在12到14岁之间,来自12个不同的国家,有些人还没有完全掌握德语。在退休之前,老师希望激发这些未来公民对不同工作领域、主题、文化和生活方式的好奇心。看完这部引人入胜、让人感同身受的纪录片,让人不由自主地意识到,如果所有的孩子都能有幸拥有这样高情感、有耐心的老师,冲突就能通过讨论得到缓解,约翰·列侬的"想象"就能成为现实。导演玛丽亚·斯佩德和摄影师Reinhold Vorschneider向人们展示了教育不仅是重要的,而且可以是一个壮观的过程-并将其精彩地呈现在舞台上,以至于电影本身几乎具有了某种英雄气概。
如果一个有黑手党背景、专做垃圾生意的大亨买了一支小联盟曲棍球队,并让他 17 岁的儿子负责,会发生什么?咆哮、斗殴、瘀伤、发狂······他们一度走红,却最终被美国联邦调查局重创。2004 年,吉米·加兰特在康涅狄格州丹伯里市创建了 UHL 冰球队“Trashers”,并让他痴迷于《野鸭变凤凰》的年少儿子 A.J. 担任总经理。(如果你觉得托尼和 A.J 听起来很耳熟,那是因为《黑道家族》就是以加兰特和他的家人为原型。)A.J. 想要创造一个将职业摔跤和《野鸭变凤凰》进行完美融合的组合 — “一个我最喜欢的英雄和恶棍的组合。”结果,这支不合群的球队凭借粗暴的赛场表现和破纪录的罚球时间,吸引了大批忠实的球迷(包括一些名人),ESPN 也对其进行了报道。但后来,美国联邦调查局对 Trashers 和吉米·加兰特亮出了红牌。
Christy Martin broke boundaries and noses as she rose in the boxing world, but her public persona belied personal demons, abuse and a threat on her life.
From Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss, The Anthrax Attacks tells the story of the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States and one of the largest and most complex FBI investigations in the history of law enforcement. Using a combination of interviews and scripted reenactments based on emails and FBI field notes, the documentary feature also shares shocking and heartbreaking...