BBC Pet Island S01E01。宠物岛第一集,本集有作为宠物饲养的雪貂,时尚的马尔济斯犬和英国牧羊犬,成为网红的哈巴狗,参加选美的鹦鹉……用镜头记录人类与各种萌宠的亲密关系。 S1E2本集宠物岛展现了网红喵星人哈默斯的明星生涯,冠军古牧的性取向危机,哈巴狗鬼节搞怪大聚会还有重病流浪歌遭遇了爱心满满。
Art dealer Gordon Watson stakes his money and reputation on buying, selling and getting the best deals. He introduces us to his wealthy clients - lords, ladies and billionaires.
70年代晚期成軍的Pulp,寫下英式搖滾樂團最大器晚成的故事。整個80年代都被忽略,熬到90年代才因〈Common People〉搖滾國歌大紅大紫。紀錄片《關於Pulp的日常搖滾》以2012年底在家鄉的最後一場重聚公演為主軸,記錄了如夢境般的演唱會,也深情凝視了Sheffield這座城市,及安居其中形形色色的人們。
As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
It is no wonder that we are mesmerized by mountains, are afraid of them and are obsessed by them. They evoke wildness in all of us, and yet still they remain a world of secrets. With one programme each on the Rocky Mountains, the Andes and Himalaya, this series will use drones to reveal these mountains as never before. The audience will be taken from hidden valleys to unknown p.
100年的梦想、100年的创作、100年的“漫威之父”斯坦·李。 影片介绍他如何影响漫画与流行文化,从童年到漫威崛起,透过珍贵的私人档案,从斯坦·李的角度诉说他的人生、事业以及留给世人的的深远影响。
In her new comedy special, Emergency Contact, Amy Schumer once again talks about her life in an uncensored and hilarious way.