Inspired by Iranian cinema and the poetry of Forough Farrokhzad, a young female director from India journeys to Tehran to witness how resistance becomes a daily act of survival in Iranian society. Despite stringent censorship of the Islamic Regime the director collects a series of eloquent and candid interviews with filmmaker Jafar Panahi, activists and everyday women. Over six...
When Will Ferrell finds out his close friend of 30 years is coming out as a trans woman, the two decide to embark on a cross-country road trip to process this new stage of their relationship in an intimate portrait of friendship, transition, and America.
这部纪录片以偏远的墨西哥村庄"回声"为背景,记录了山谷的孩子们贫苦艰难的真实生活。在这里霜冻和干旱折磨着大地,孩子们照顾着羊群和年迈的祖母,并从父母的一言一行和沉默中学会了理解死亡、疾病和爱 。
"由获得奥斯卡奖项的电影制作人Chai Vasarhelyi和Jimmy Chin/金国威拍摄,Wild Life跟随环保主义者,Kristine Tompkins,展开了一个史诗般,持续几十年的爱情故事,野外,这是她投入毕生精力保护的地貌。历史等待被探索。" "影片也讲述了Kris和Doug Tompkins之间的爱情故事。Doug Tompkins创立了知名的户外运动品牌,north side,并于1989年离开商业世界,专注于环境保护。Kris是另外一间声名显赫的户外产品公司,Patagonia的首席执行官,而且,她还是极限运动爱好者。1993年,二人结婚。他们一同经营自己的生活,深爱彼此,热爱自然。一起,他们成立了一间非盈利机构,Saving Tompkins,他们通过机构购买了智利和阿根廷之间8,100平方公里/810,000公顷的野外区域.
At the intersection of modern scholarship and Native knowledge is a new vision of the Americas and the people who built it.