Where did we come from? What makes us human? An explosion of recent discoveries sheds light on these questions, and NOVA's comprehensive, three-part special, "Becoming Human," examines what the latest scientific research reveals about our hominid relatives. Part 1, "First Steps," examines the factors that caused us to split from the other great apes. The program explores the fo.
故事的主题是关于“死刑”:他采访了死刑服刑人员、警察、受害者的家人,影片冷酷而阴郁,它逼我们面对这一道德模糊的领域。而从影片的片名,我们也不难看出赫尔佐格借此“凝望人类灵魂深渊”的目的,这应该让电影与传统的探讨死刑的纪录片有所不同。 幕后制作 68岁的德国导演赫尔佐格在美国采访了多名等待行刑的死刑犯人,拍摄成纪录片《凝望深渊》。赫尔佐格说:“人不应该被你的国家处死,这件事一点争论的余地都不存在……我认为惟一的例外是战争状态。” “美国有3
英法两国的统治阶级由共享的价值观、行为准则、和语言而紧密地联合在一起,相互联姻长达三百年之久,然而,十四世纪中叶,此般亲密荡然无存,一场历时逾百年的战争就此打响... 第一集:家族的纠纷(Trouble in the Family: 1337-1360) 爱德华三世(E dward III)打破中世纪的行为规则,并在克雷西会战中使用弓箭手大败法国骑士军团;而他的儿子,“黑太子爱德华”,则大开杀戒,使得法国臣服在英国脚下。 第二集:断裂的纽
Michael Wood argues that the most important and influential British kings were a father, daughter, and grandson who lived over a thousand yea rs ago during the age of the Vikings. Alfred of Wessex King Alfred and the Anglo SaxonsEpisode 1 of 3
The story of England's longest ruling dynasty, starting with Henry II and ending with Richard III. 英国历史上享国最长的王朝, 起自亨利二世, 终于理查三世.