
天鹅 [2023][6.8分]


2023-09-28   3124

家 [2018]


2023-09-20   2960

空手道绵羊 [2023]

  It follows Trico, a sheep who causes mayhem in his flock by sharing new ideas, with a lurking wolf waiting to pounce.

2023-09-09   11353

当我望向你的时候 [2022][7.6分]


2023-08-29   6986

河中女孩:宽恕的代价 [2015][8.4分]

  More than a 1000 women are killed in the name of 'honor' in Pakistan every year. A Girl in the River: The price of forgiveness follows the story of a rare survivor who falls in love and lives to tell the tale.

2023-07-13   8159

风火世代 [2023]

  This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the continent's diverse histories and cultures, these action-packed sci-fi and fantasy stories present bold visions of advanced technology, aliens, spirits and monsters imagined from uniquely African perspectives.

2023-07-05   6614

海边升起一座悬崖 [2022]


2023-06-30   4180

寻找她们 [2023]


2023-05-19   4198

安魂曲 [2021]

  Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It's a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves.

2023-04-26   1867

星之声 [2002][8.1分]

  故事始于2046年,为了追捕侵袭火星的外星人多鲁米斯星人,宇宙探索舰Lysithea号在各地挑选先发人员,初中生美加子(武藤寿美配)也成为一名宇宙员。开始了辗转于火星、太空基地、木星、冥王星等各地的演习。   美加子离开地球后,她的同班同学小昇(铃木千寻配)仍然能收到来自宇 宙的问候——美加子时常发来短信告知近况,只是随着距离的扩大,短信送达地球的时间就会越来越长。“有一天一定能再见面吧!”对方都这么想着。可是,美加子终于杳无音信了。   8年后,小昇在报纸上读到了8年前宇宙军和多鲁米斯星人恶战且几乎无人生还的新闻。此时手机突然响了:“24岁的小昇你好,我是15岁的美加子哦!……”手机屏幕上映出这样的话来。

2023-04-02   4799