由于丈夫的意外死亡,单亲母亲Nancy Botwin(玛丽·露易斯·帕克 Mary-Louise Parker 饰)成了一名膝下抚有两子的单身母亲,一无所长的她找不到一份能养活一家三口的工作,为维持家里的生计她选择了在所住的富人区里贩卖大麻,虽然收益丰厚,却也风险不小。大儿子Silas(亨特·帕瑞施 Hunter Parrish 饰)正处青春期,叛逆不羁。小儿子Shane(亚历山大·古尔德 Alexander Gould 饰)有点孤僻,不合群。最糟糕的是小叔子Andy (贾斯汀·柯克 Justin Kirk 饰)还寄住家中总是胡作非为。Nancy在贩大麻的同时还要辛苦躲避她的孩子,亲友,还有她的好友Celia(伊丽莎白·帕金斯 Elizabeth Perkins 饰),于是闹出了一连串啼笑皆非的事……
曾在西班牙杀过人的水手Michael O'Hara(奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles 饰)回到了纽约,一天夜里他在路上救了遭到打劫的美女Elsa(丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth 饰),于是Elsa让她的丈夫,律师Arthur Bannister(埃弗雷特·斯隆 Everett Sloane 饰)找到Michael,让他来船上当水手。Bannister一家刚从上海回到纽约,正要坐船前往旧金山。在海上航行的时候,Michael和Elsa情愫暗生。而Michael也认识了Arthur的朋友George Grisby(Glenn Anders 饰)。George知道Michael曾经杀过人后,想让Michael再杀一个人,并承诺给他五千美元的佣金,而他想让Michael杀的人,就是George自己。原来George想制造自己已经死了的假象,然...
连环命案、私刑执法、预告杀人、以暴制暴...一群号称“神探”的团伙掀起了一场香港有史以来最邪恶的犯罪!患有精神疾病的“癫佬神探”李俊(刘青云 饰)为查真凶独闯犯罪现场!以“神探夫妇”陈仪(蔡卓妍 饰)和方礼信(林峯 饰)为首的重案组也开启了与杀戮赛跑的缉凶之路!敌友之间,正邪边缘,死亡审判的真相究竟是什么?真正的“神探”到底是谁?
The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is…
From Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss, The Anthrax Attacks tells the story of the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States and one of the largest and most complex FBI investigations in the history of law enforcement. Using a combination of interviews and scripted reenactments based on emails and FBI field notes, the documentary feature also shares shocking and heartbreaking...