
入侵第二季 [2023][5.7分]

  The aliens adapted. Humanity will too.   The action-packed second season of “Invasion” picks up just months later with the aliens escalating their attacks in an all out war against the humans.

2023-08-23   8737

风骚女子第二季 [2023][7.7分]

  在第二季中,Doug、Joyce和Bottom Dollar的所有成员都在努力适应杂志的爆炸性成功,这将他们带向了激动人心的新境遇,并带来了更多的金钱、名声和诱惑,多到没有人知道该如何应对。

2023-08-21   10591

停摆世界第一季 [2021][6.5分]

  On a cold November day, electricity fails all over Europe. Blackout. While the government and authorities struggle with the effects and with clarification, a former hacker comes into the focus of the investigators.

2023-08-20   7142

彩虹俱乐部第一季 [2023]

  In a peripheral and unprecedented Milan, a place frequented by the queer community is in danger of closing due to economic problems. The lives of Luz, Tim, Rose and Zhang, who all circle around the Love Club, touch on a path that will make them face their greatest fears. Will Luz be able to live the story with Roberta without the fear of losing her independence?

2023-08-20   8244

我变美的那夏天第二季 [2023][6.1分]

  Amazon宣布续订The Summer I Turend Pretty第二季。

2023-08-18   11805

我不讲理吗?第一季 [2022][7.7分]

  Follows two friends who love having fun and booze, until everything unravels.

2023-08-18   6188

战士第三季 [2023][8.8分]

  背景在美国内战后,旧金山的唐人街;《龙战士》讲述一个年轻﹑从中国远道而来的武术达人, 发现自己卷入了唐人街的血腥战争中。

2023-08-18   9088

哈兰·科本的庇护所 [2023][6.3分]

  The story of Mickey Bolitar and his new life with a mom in rehab, a dead father, an annoying aunt, and a new school in New Jersey.

2023-08-18   8005

第六诫 [2023]

  故事讲述了69岁鼓舞人心的教师Peter Farquhar,和魅力四射的年轻学生Ben Field,两人因对书籍的共同热爱,以及英国国教的关系,产生了一段亲密关系,这段关系造就了英国近年来最复杂、最令人困惑惊讶的刑事案件之一。   此外,故事还会聚焦Field的另一个目标——Peter的邻居,非常信教的Ann Moore-Martin。Field和她令人猜疑的关系,揭露了一系列惊人内幕。   剧集刻画了Field对Peter和Ann的操纵方式,呈现了极端的煤气灯效应、扣人心弦的警方调查,和备受瞩目的审判。不仅深刻强调了孤立和孤独的破坏性影响,也赞美了Peter和Ann作为导师、亲人和朋友,受人尊敬挚爱的

2023-08-16   8048