
东京罪恶第二季 [2024][8.2分]

  改编自美国记者Jake Adelstein对东京警视厅辖区内各事件所记录的第一手资料,依旧在东京实地拍摄的第二季将带领观众继续深入这座城市的黑社会世界,Jack Adelstein(安塞尔·艾尔高特 Ansel Elgort 饰)逐渐意识到自己和身边人的性命正处于可怕的危险之中。

2024-04-20   3531

冰血暴第五季 [2023][8.7分]

  故事设定在2019年,将探讨两个问题:绑架在什么时候不算绑架,如果你的妻子并不是你的妻子?   在一系列意想不到的事件让Dorothy ‘Dot’ Lyon(Juno Temple饰)与当局陷入纠葛后,这位看似典型的中西部家庭主妇突然又回到了她认为已经抛之脑后的生活中。   北达科他州警长Roy Tillman(Jon Hamm饰)很久以来都在寻找Dot。作为一名牧场主、传道者和执法官,Roy相信自己就是法律,因此凌驾于法律之上。   站在Roy这一

2024-04-20   8650

禁运品 [2012][6.5分]

  克里斯·法拉德(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)曾是无所不能的走私高手,如今已金盆洗手,与妻子凯特(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)和两个儿子过着隐世生活。直到有一天,凯特的弟弟安迪搞砸了一单毒品交易,凶残无情的老板蒂姆·布里格斯(吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi 饰)威胁要让他们付出惨痛代价。为了帮安迪还清债款,克里斯只好重出江湖,召集了老搭档塞巴斯蒂安·艾比尼(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)和丹尼·雷默(卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 饰),决定前往巴拿马偷运假钞。途中却不巧遇到了克里斯父亲的冤家船长(J·K·西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons 饰),后者更是收了老板的好处要监视克里斯完成任务。而与此同时,在家中的凯特和儿子们也受到了来自杀手的威胁,甚至是艾比尼的冒犯。面对着计划变故,...

2024-04-19   234

南洋秘术 ของแขก [2023]

  M39studio、monwichit 联合制作

2024-04-19   435

美国恐怖故事第十二季 [2023][6.1分]


2024-04-18   6950

警之光第二季 [2024]

  Grace, Annie and Tommy are growing up fast as police officers, but nothing can prepare them for the turmoil they face every day. It’s a year since the fall of the McIntyre crime gang and the vacuum has been filled by rival gangs, all competing for dominance. Constable Shane Bradley is drafted in to help, but his motivations are unclear. Tommy is dangerously seduced by the world...

2024-04-18   253

清洁工第三季 [2024]

  The network has renewed its drama series for a third season. The pickup for the series, produced by Warner Bros. Television and Fox Entertainment, comes seven weeks after The Cleaning Lady wrapped its 12-episode second season.

2024-04-18   1090

桥下杀人事件 [2024][7.4分]

  "Under the Bridge” is based on acclaimed author Rebecca Godfrey’s book about the 1997 true story of fourteen-year old Reena Virk (Vritika Gupta) who went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Through the eyes of Godfrey (Riley Keough) and a local police officer (Lily Gladstone), the series takes us into the hidden world of the young girls accused of the murder — r...

2024-04-18   701

化身邪魔 [2023]

  An ancient Chippewa demon, the WINDIGO, is resurrected by a Native American teenager and his grandmother to protect their family after a run-in with back-woods meth dealers. They soon discover that the creature's lust for killing cannot be controlled. As each killing bonds the teen and the Windigo ever closer, the family must find a way to break the curse before all of them bec...

2024-04-18   455

班克罗夫特 [2017][7.1分]

  该剧描述两个女警察的故事:Elizabeth Bancroft是个高级警司,一辈子都投身事业,甚至不惜冒生命危险。她赢得了同事的尊重与崇拜。虽然她的履历表完美无瑕,但她事实上是个喜欢操纵别人、有自毁倾向的女人。Katherine Stevens是个很有野心的侦探,与一个已婚的同事发生了婚外情。当调查一起黑帮案件时,她曝光了许多过去的秘密,多名同事的生活都受到影响。

2024-04-17   4865