故事讲述了顶上战争两年后的香波迪群岛上,娜美的小迷妹展开的一场小小冒险……本作改编自航海王官方外传小说《航海王 novel 草帽故事集》,小说描述了以一般人的角度来看待草帽海贼团成员们的短篇故事。
“天才”在被发现后开始塑造其轮廓。此时,天才前锋凪诚士郎的自我正征服世界!! 把“好麻烦”挂在嘴边的高二学生凪诚士郎,整天过着百无聊赖的日子,直到梦想成为世界杯冠军的同校同学御影玲王发现了他的天赋。在玲王的邀请下开始踢足球的凪,发挥出了超乎想象的足球天赋。某日,他收到了“蓝色禁区”计划的邀请函,等待他的是与洁世一、蜂乐回、糸师凛这些从全国各地精挑细选出来的前锋们的集结。强强激战中,最终,天才凪诚士郎迎来“觉醒”时刻!
In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound friends) he makes his way across Africa, before rescuing Jie...
Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of “The Nublar Six” are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to hurt them. Reunited in the wake of a tragedy, the group comes together only to find themselves on the run and catapulted into a global adventure to unravel a conspiracy that threa...
该剧以首部《钢弹战士》的背景“一年战争”为舞台,聚焦欧洲战线。本作与 SAFEHOUSE, Inc. 共同推出,运用 Unreal Engine 5 制作。编剧为加文·亨尼特,作品包括系列动画片《铁拳:血脉》和《变形金刚:赛博斯宇宙》、电玩《Marvel's Spider-Man》;导演则为伊拉斯穆·布洛斯多,作品包括系列动画片《恶灵古堡:无尽暗黑》、电玩《星际公民》、《Ryse: Son of Rome》、《Crysis》系列。
Indie animator Don Hertzfeldt went on X to announce his next film, titled “Me,” will be released in 2024.