
你情我愿 [2022]


2024-07-21   6801

玩物们/小母牛 [2022]


2024-07-21   6395

时间之门 [2024]

  The TV series "Gates of Time" tells the story of Sinan, a young and talented programmer who prefers solitude and avoids social connections. His world changes abruptly when he meets Nevra, the daughter of an influential businessman, who brings vibrant colours and unexpected challenges into his life. Together, they delve into a myriad of mysteries and secrets related to Nevra's p...

2024-07-21   6221

丑女贝蒂:故事继续 [2024]


2024-07-20   5929

奔放101 [2020][8.5分]

  The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called Işık (Bade İşçil) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youth.   Back in 1998, a group of young people (Eda, Osman, Sinan and Kerem) studying in a school of Istanbul are at risk of exclusion because of their poor behaviour. They are very different from their classmates and, therefore, very lo.

2024-07-20   4261

Ru [2024]

  A story that begins when you think it's over... An extraordinary love affair despite all odds in a coastal town in the Aegean... A 38-year-old woman and an 18-year-old man: Reyan and Uzer

2024-07-08   7028

荒岛旅店 [2022]

  Early 20th century. Polina arrives at a girls' boarding school on a mysterious island to find her sister who disappeared under strange circumstances. Polina's investigation is complicated not only by conflicts with other girls and the imperious mentor Zakharova but also by a strange obsession that drives the girls mad, one after another. Polina needs to find out what happened t...

2024-07-08   6965

男孩的誓言 [2023][9.0分]

  改革已经从克里姆林宫的看台走到了城镇的街头。苏联正在我们眼前消亡,伴随着变革的前兆,言论自由、音乐自由、价格自由、良心自由出现了,近乎无法无天。在父母为生存而战的同时,被大家遗弃的孩子们流落街头,成群结队地 "为沥青而战"。他们为了控制在自己土地上矗立或移动的一切而战。在成人一代普遍贫穷和迷失的情况下,青年群体却有明确的生活规则、支持和比誓言更有力的承诺。但是,友谊和正义观念越来越多地与暴力和犯罪混杂在一起。在这一重要的历史背景下,该剧展现了小学生安德烈从一个单纯的 "chushpan"(没有 "加入 "任何团体的青少年的称呼)成长为一个残忍的孩子的过程。

2024-07-07   7178

午夜佩拉宫 [2022][7.0分]


2024-07-06   4137