

麦克曼:摔角界传奇 [2024]

  在文斯·麦克曼的领导下,世界摔角娱乐 (WWE) 历经辉煌的巅峰和惨淡的低谷。这部系列纪录片深入探讨了这位大亨充满争议的掌门时期。

2024-09-25   3495

美洲土著第一季 [2018]

  At the intersection of modern scholarship and Native knowledge is a new vision of the Americas and the people who built it.

2024-09-25   3495

弗林 [2024]


2024-09-21   4076

仙境谋杀案与好莱坞秘史 [2024]

  Follows the horrific event that has captivated the public's attention for almost 50 years, as well as a more comprehensive narrative about Los Angeles, the American dream, and the situations in which justice might or not be effective.

2024-09-20   4091

漫威:女性力量 [2023][6.2分]

  In June 2021, Marvel Studios released a casting call for fans of "Marvel's strong women" to be a part of an upcoming Disney+ documentary series showcasing the women who create the MCU in front of and behind the camera.[428] The series was titled MPower by February 2023 and was announced to premiere in its entirety on March 8, 2023

2024-09-15   7553

李沧东:讽刺的艺术 [2022]

  《李沧东:讽刺的艺术》由法国导演Alain Mazars执导,讲述找寻李沧东导演的作品和导演的开始,以及成为导演前李沧东的故事。就像《薄荷糖》倒叙回溯过去一样,这部纪录片也从《心跳声》制作过程开始,回到《绿鱼》,进而讲述导演之前的生活。   除了作品以外,还有曾于李沧东导演合作的演员们包括刘亚仁、李大卫、全度妍、宋康昊、薛景求、文素利、文成根演员的采访,可以更加生动地了解制作当时的情况。随着李沧东导演本人亲自前往当时的拍摄地并交流的过程,不仅可以了解作品的导演意图,还能听到对艺术本身的讨论。

2024-09-13   5571

玫瑰艾勒沙 [1966][8.1分]


2024-09-13   4988

女败女战 [2018][8.6分]

  《#女敗女戰》是一趟探索21世紀女性性別問題的旅程。這部電影紀錄了五位來自不同地方的女性、分別在父權社會下受到侮辱和壓迫,她們打破沉默,勇於道出在固有體制下面對的種種不公。   她們的遭遇都有着一個共通點:她們的身體失去自主和慾望被剝奪。片中將展示出這五位勇敢女性如何在保守的文化氛圍中發聲。

2024-09-12   5379

安赫尔·迪马利亚:破壁而出 [2024]

  From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player.

2024-09-12   5047