A renowned MMA fighter juggles her life between fights in the ring and raising her seven-year-old son. After an incident at the boy's school, the woman is forced to transfer him to the "Wonderful Harbor" a facility recommended by the school psychologist. The young mother is unaware that the parents of the school's students come from a completely different world than her own. Am...
A fictional drama based on true events, that follows a group of teenage friends whose lives were impacted by the fire that erupted at the República Cromañón club in 2004
该剧讲述了四个18岁的大学新生室友的生活,分别由Pauline Chalamet、Amrit Kaur、Alyah Chanelle Scott和《贱女孩》的renee Rapp饰演。室友们在经历了成年、大学和新的性生活方式带来的挣扎和困难后,形成了深厚的友谊。
Tracker, the first new broadcast drama to premiere this season, is also the first freshman scripted series to land a Season 2 renewal. Amid strong ratings following its post-Super Bowl premiere, CBS has picked up a second season of the series starring Justin Hartley after four airings.