An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands. Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t im.
Gordon Buchanan travels to three remote tribes to learn the wildlife secrets of people who live alongside the iconic and dangerous animals we fear the most.
这部纪录片对希特勒掌权时期失去的自由进行了探讨,讲述 20 世纪 20 年代柏林一家光鲜亮丽的夜总会如何成为了酷儿群体的避风港。
BBC Pet Island S01E01。宠物岛第一集,本集有作为宠物饲养的雪貂,时尚的马尔济斯犬和英国牧羊犬,成为网红的哈巴狗,参加选美的鹦鹉……用镜头记录人类与各种萌宠的亲密关系。 S1E2本集宠物岛展现了网红喵星人哈默斯的明星生涯,冠军古牧的性取向危机,哈巴狗鬼节搞怪大聚会还有重病流浪歌遭遇了爱心满满。
Art dealer Gordon Watson stakes his money and reputation on buying, selling and getting the best deals. He introduces us to his wealthy clients - lords, ladies and billionaires.