The movie tells the stories of nine girls from different parts of the world who face arranged marriages, child slavery, and other heartbreaking injustices. Despite these obstacles, the brave girls offer hope and inspiration. By getting an education, they're able to break barriers and create change. Written by Seventeen Magazine
Join TOMORROW X TOGETHER as They Take Viewers Along on Their First Ever World Tour in This Upcoming Disney+ Original Documentary. After a successful debut that saw TOMORROW X TOGETHER (pronounced “tomorrow by together”) take over the airwaves, the group are preparing to embark on their first world tour in TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER – a behind the scenes documentary co.
Foodborne pathogens kill around 3,000 people in the U.S. every year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands more. Romaine lettuce, cantaloupe, sprouts . . . all have been at the center of outbreaks which have become alarmingly frequent in recent years. Their solutions are simple, but protections are scattershot, with little bureaucratic will to enforce them. And yet, our politici...
26 岁的杰克·保罗是拳击界的新救世主,还是营销技巧比他的拳头更有冲击力的“妄想症”推广人?这取决于你在《UNTOLD: Jake Paul the Problem Child》中问的是谁。本片大胆地深入探讨了一个来自俄亥俄州的天真孩子如何从网络红人变成体育界最具两极化的人。每有一个高调的批评者(UFC 主席白大拿),就会有另一个支持者(前职业拳击手迈克·泰森)站在他身边。2013 年,杰克和他的哥哥洛根在社交媒体上发布了恶作剧和滑稽动作,先是在 Vine 上发布,然后在 YouTube 上发布,获得了数百万的观看次数。兄弟俩将他们在网络上的成功转化为有利可图的副业,杰克发行了音乐,并在迪士尼频道的节目《音乐玩家》中获得了一个角色。随着他们的名声越来越大,这对曾经亲密无间的兄弟之间的关系也越来越紧张。当杰克在现实生活中的争议几乎毁了他的职业生涯时,他...
最近研究表明,蜜蜂和授粉昆虫的衰落与野花的生境的丧失直接挂钩。科学家们也发现我们的蜜蜂和授粉昆虫需要许多不同种类的花粉和花蜜来构建其免疫系统。没有多样性的花为食,蜜蜂群体就会变得衰弱,抵抗力也会变低。现代农业为了适应人类的食物需要,已经使我们失去了98%富含野花的土地.再加上我们对于除草剂和杀虫剂的依赖使传粉昆虫的生存境况更加让人担忧,本片介绍了蜜蜂、蝴蝶等传粉昆虫对于我们食物多样性的重要作用,并通过在北安普敦郡的一个小村克瑞顿进行为期一年的花的种植研究证明通过我们每个人一点点努力就可以让自然恢复平衡。 第1集《Villages Farms and Countryside》讲的是英国农村的情况。
Filmed from the perspectives of dealers, users and the police, DOPE takes the the viewer into the heart of the war on drugs.
Liz Bonnin meets the animal rogues doing whatever it takes to find food. From kleptomaniac crabs on a stealing spree, tigers deceiving their prey and chimpanzees waging war on their neighbours, the need for a square meal can drive many animals to some seemingly extreme behaviour. —BBC Episodes include… 1. The Mating Gam