改编自金庸同名小说。北宋年间宋、辽、西夏对立,丐帮帮主乔峰(胡军 饰)被丐帮副帮主马大元之妻康敏所害,被武林所不齿,乔峰为查出真相为自己平反开始了调查之路,却引发了更大的纠葛。他在调查途中遇上了大理段家风流倜傥的世子段誉(林志颖 饰)以及看似木讷却宅心仁厚的少林小和尚虚 竹(高虎 饰),三人意气相投结成兄弟。乔峰认识了阿朱(刘涛 饰)、阿紫(陈好 饰)两姐妹;段誉痴情于王语嫣(刘亦菲 饰),遇见了众多红颜知己;虚竹遭遇了神秘的梦姑(王海珍 饰)。面对乱世,三人开始了非同寻常的江湖生涯,遇见了诸如天山童姥(舒畅 饰)、慕容复(修庆 饰)、四大恶人等各色高手,生死情仇、爱恨别离、民族大义在因缘际会中施展。
A renowned MMA fighter juggles her life between fights in the ring and raising her seven-year-old son. After an incident at the boy's school, the woman is forced to transfer him to the "Wonderful Harbor" a facility recommended by the school psychologist. The young mother is unaware that the parents of the school's students come from a completely different world than her own. Am...
A fictional drama based on true events, that follows a group of teenage friends whose lives were impacted by the fire that erupted at the República Cromañón club in 2004
Tracker, the first new broadcast drama to premiere this season, is also the first freshman scripted series to land a Season 2 renewal. Amid strong ratings following its post-Super Bowl premiere, CBS has picked up a second season of the series starring Justin Hartley after four airings.
第一次危机刚刚结束,这对年轻的夫妇想要享受他们新婚的幸福,但美泉宫上空突然聚集起黑云:弗兰茨(菲利普·弗洛桑 Philip Froissant 饰)意外地在欧洲遇到了强大的对手。而伊丽莎白(黛芙姆·林瑙 Devrim Lingnau 饰)也承受着巨大的压力,因为王位继承人要尽快确保帝国的未来。 当命运全力打击时,这对夫妻的爱情面临着最终破裂的危险。伊丽莎白不仅要为她的家庭而战,还必须为自己灵魂的完整性而战。