
NCT127:The Lost Boys [2023]


2023-09-06   11536

叛逆青春变奏曲 [2023]

  一边是自己的罗姆人血统,一边是来自朋友的压力,这名 17 岁少女不顾父母的严格规训,立志成为一名嘻哈音乐人。

2023-09-06   11362

TFBOYS十年之约演唱会 [2023]

  十年之约,如约而至。回顾组合出道十年经典歌曲《青春修炼手册》《大梦想家》《宠爱》等。聚光灯下,这一次他们歌唱,是唱清澈的过往,是唱结实的理想。   2023年8月6日,TFBOYS组合十年之约演唱会,三个少年唱响我们的十年,让青春不散场。这个约定,比日出盛大,一起守住发过的栩栩如生的梦。

2023-08-07   10194

TOMORROW X TOGETHER:我们失落的夏天 [2023]

  Join TOMORROW X TOGETHER as They Take Viewers Along on Their First Ever World Tour in This Upcoming Disney+ Original Documentary.   After a successful debut that saw TOMORROW X TOGETHER (pronounced “tomorrow by together”) take over the airwaves, the group are preparing to embark on their first world tour in TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER – a behind the scenes documentary co.

2023-08-02   8300

威猛乐队 [2023]

  An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands.   Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t im.

2023-07-05   4680

莱茵金 [2022][6.9分]


2023-07-04   3501

PULP乐队:一部关于生、死、超市的电影 [2014][8.7分]

  70年代晚期成軍的Pulp,寫下英式搖滾樂團最大器晚成的故事。整個80年代都被忽略,熬到90年代才因〈Common People〉搖滾國歌大紅大紫。紀錄片《關於Pulp的日常搖滾》以2012年底在家鄉的最後一場重聚公演為主軸,記錄了如夢境般的演唱會,也深情凝視了Sheffield這座城市,及安居其中形形色色的人們。

2023-06-23   4772

我的X一样的20岁 [2023][5.9分]


2023-06-12   3534

因爱富有2 [2023]

  When Paula leaves Rio de Janeiro to resume her work as a volunteer doctor in the Amazon, Teto hatches an impulsive plan to follow her and chaos ensues.

2023-06-03   1913

美丽人生 [2023]

  Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her estranged daughter and music producer, Lily. On his way to becoming a star, struggles from the past threaten not only his big breakthrough, but also the budding love with Lily.

2023-06-01   2293